Gaffren shop banner showing shirts and hats by Gaffren


Vendor Biography

Our Designs

Hi, I’m Amanda!  My husband and I have been designing and selling shirts (and other goodies :) ) for what seems like forever. Gaffren is exclusively designed, produced, photographed, and shipped from the beautiful Pacific Northwest by us, for you as a fashionable Christian. We are dedicated to offering trendy styles that are incredibly comfortable to wear, so you can look and feel great while wearing and sharing your faith.

Our Quality

When you wear apparel from Gaffren, you will be able to tell right away that we sell only the best fitting and softest clothing available. With 25+ years in the apparel industry, we know clothes. We are experts at sourcing out the trendiest styles and colors so you don’t have to. We wear what we sell and only the finest garments make the cut and get added to our newest collections.

Our Faith

My husband and I are born-again Christians and you can rest assured that our designs are true to God’s Word. We use verses and references in-context and you won’t find “Jesus” added to a secular phrase just because it’s trendy or because it will sell more shirts. He is the Lord of lords, the King of kings — He is THE great I AM. I love coffee and naps as much the next girl, but the name of Jesus is not a sales ploy to go along with the likes of coffee, naps, etc., and we don’t use it as such. You are loved, redeemed and chosen by God and we celebrate that in our designs. Shop with us here at Gaffren and be inspired to wear & share your faith!