The Baby Garden – by Jennifer Bosma


Jennifer Bosma is enthusiastic about life and embraces the joy in each day. She has been married for 34 years and has three grown daughters and two granddaughters. Enjoying quality family time is a passion for her. Jennifer serves in women’s ministry and is a consultant at her local pregnancy center. She has authored two Christian children’s books; I Know the Plans and The Baby Garden, and blogs weekly. Her books have scriptures, engaging rhyme and amazing illustrations that shares God’s wonderful plans for the little ones He creates. Her blog reaches women worldwide, mentoring them in Christian principles and encouragement. She retired as an Elementary Education teacher after 23 years and has been known as “Mrs. Bosma” to over 500 students. Engaging author visits with her books brings her back into the classroom and is a great way to keep children passionate about writing, scripture, and Jesus’ plans for them! Jennifer loves to travel, grab coffee with a friend, explore new places, and enjoy the great outdoors. Bible studies and weekly church time keep her growing in her faith. She and her husband reside in Marietta, Georgia.

The Baby Garden answers the age-old question that young children ask of “Where do babies come from?” from a spiritual possibility. This sweet book helps young readers to understand the Scripture behind Jeremiah 1:5, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you: And I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” The Baby Garden also introduces the presence of guardian angels based on Psalm 91:11, “For He shall give His angels charge over you, To keep you in all your ways.” It also supports that God’s gifts to each person are uniquely planned out along with individual talents that make each person unique.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Great for CPCs and soon to be older siblings!

*received as a gift*

This book was wonderful to read with our son who is about to be a big brother. We loved the art work and the narrative of where babies come from and of our unique gifts. I can’t wait to share

The Reading Grandma
The Book for Every Sibling!!

Expecting a new baby in your family? This is the perfect book for future big brothers or sisters. The Baby Garden explains to little ones where babies come from with Jeremiah 1:5. This also lets the readers know that God has a plan for EVERY baby planned or unplanned!