Personalized Name Crayon – Camo, military, gift for kids


Personalized Camo Name Crayon for kids!

Christian-owned brand dedicated to taking discarded crayons and books to turn them into something new.

Handmade crayon name set in a camo pattern! This is the perfect gift for kids, big sibling announcements, Christmas, birthdays, and end of the year fun! Each letter is handmade with recycled, non-toxic crayons. Letters will vary slightly in color with each purchase. Each set will come in a box as seen in the picture, ready to gift! Please contact the store with any special requests for this name set.

All crayons are made to order and will vary slightly in color from piece to piece. Folded books will be made from a randomly chosen hardback book. Cover colors of books may vary.

All products will ship in 5-7 business days.

No returns available, but please reach out if there are issues with an item!