Multi-Color Pearl Necklace with Cross


The perfect gift for her! An elegant and stylish multi-colored natural pearl necklace with gold-plated cross pendant.


20% of sales are donated to Hope Partners International.

Pure Love specializes in natural pearl jewelry and gift sets for women who love Jesus.

Our Mission is to spread the good news of salvation through Christ Jesus, and to strengthen the bond of love we have for the Lord by encouraging prayer and reading of the Word. We use pearls as a symbol of finding Jesus, who brings us to the kingdom of heaven.  “The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.” Matthew 13:45 – 46

Products are shipped through USPS within 1-3 business days after order is placed.

A 50% refund is available on returns. (50% of sales are donated upon purchase to Hope Partners)

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