Eucalyptus- Goat Milk Soap


All our products is hand made and farm fresh. Our ingredients are clean, fresh, and safe.
INGREDIENTS FOR PLAIN JANE: Goats Milk, Sodium Hydroxide, 100% Olive Oil, Organic Coconut Oil, and Vegetable Oils.

Homemade, Farm Fresh Goats Milk Soap

In the year 2020, I started making goats milk soap. I had a goat that needed to be milked, so I thought why not try to make something out of it? So I started out business (and still conduct it) out of our kitchen and spare bedroom. Since then I’ve been making soap and selling/shipping it all over the world. 🙂

Our soap is VERY clean ingredients. I wanted to make it with as little as possible. The soap is made of sodium hydroxide, coconut oil, olive oil, and vegetable oil. Sometimes we will add an essential oil for scent or pigment for color depending on the kind of soap it is. :)

All packages will come with a tracking number and will be provided to consumer immediately upon shipment. If damage occurs they’ll be 100% money back guarantee.

We strive for our customers with 100% satisfactory. If you’re not happy using the product within 30 days we will off you a 100% money back guarantee.

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