
sling bag-black


crossbody sling bag

High Quality Handcrafted Leather Bags Made in the USA.

R5 Leather is a small Leather shop making high-quality bags and accessories. We use only top-grain leather and high-quality hardware. As a homeschool mom this craft provides extra income to our family while not sacrificing the homeschool education that we hold dear.

We use only high-quality full-grain leather, and all items are handstitched. Also, many items are made to order so please be patient with processing time.

Due to the handmade nature of our bags, we do not offer refunds, if you have a problem please reach out and we will help. We do however offer a lifetime warranty, if the tread, rivets, snaps, or fabric in your leather bag is damaged due to normal wear and tear we will repair the leather product.

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