Christian Playing Cards – “King of Kings” the Trinity and Heaven’s Angels – Unique Christian Gift

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The special edition cards have the same box and card design, except for two noticeable differences. The first is that the cards have gold gilt edges, like a Bible! The second is that there is a “King of Kings” seal on the lip of the tuck box that is meant to be cut but not removed. These are a limited edition, small print run of just 250 units.


  • Printed by Legends Playing Card Company (LPCC)
  • Classic finish- smooth, linen
  • Card count- 54 cards (standard 52 + 2 reference cards)
  • Exterior- gold and silver foil, black dyed tuck box
  • Interior- gold foil
  • Cards- Metallic ink (Pantone 871c) on card backs

Standard edition-

  • Regular, white card edges
  • No seal

Special edition-

  • Gold gilt card edges
  • King of Kings seal (not to be removed)

As a passionate tabletop gamer and MDiv student, I wanted to create a deck of cards that would act as a faith-based conversation starter.

While reading Revelation, I was reminded by how incredible the Bible’s description of heaven’s throne room are—Jesus on a white horse, Cherubim with four heads, and Wheels (Ophanim) alight with fire. I wondered why angels, in specific, are so often depicted inaccurately. They aren’t babies with wings and a heart bow and arrow. This theme seemed perfect for playing cards, which traditionally feature three persons—Jack, Queen, King—and an Ace. The Ace is interesting as it represents the first and the last number in the deck of cards. In the same way, Christ is the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last.

From this launching point, my wife, the artist, and I embarked on a lengthy 2.5 year journey to create these playing cards. We wanted them to have top-notch production values. Like the Ark of the Covenant, we featured gold foil, gold metallic ink, and Cherubim. We also ensured they were linen-finished and casino grade. We genuinely wanted them to be something Christians would be proud to feature at their house with the ultimate goal being that they would spark faith-based conversations.

This Christian-themed deck of standard playing cards is a fun, educational, and helpful way to engage in faith-based conversations while playing card games with family and friends. The biblical descriptions of God’s throne, the Trinity, and heaven’s angels are incredible. Unfortunately, illustrations of these are often inaccurate. For example, Cherubim are frequently depicted as babies with wings and a bow and arrow. Where are the images of Cherubim with four heads—an ox, an eagle, a lion, and a human—and six wings?! These playing cards have scripturally-accurate illustrations of these biblical images. Not only are they beautiful, but they can also aid in an evangelistic and educational setting. The book, “Share Jesus Without Fear,” by William Fay notes that 75-90% of new believers “come to Christ through a friend or acquaintance who explains the good news on a one-to-one basis” and only 17% come to Christ through a church event (p.12). Statistics show that the average person must hear the Gospel message 7-8 times before they accept Jesus (p.11). These cards act as a faith-based discussion starter. What better time to introduce people to God’s Word than during game night?! These cards help plant the seed for new believers and build up existing believers. That’s why there are two cards in the deck that list the main Bible verses used as source material. They are meant to help guide these discussions. God told Moses to adorn the ark of the covenant with elaborate Cherubim made of gold (Exodus 25:18-21). These cards have a similar level of attention to detail and grandeur. There are two foil colors on the tuck box (gold and silver), one foil color inside the tuck box (gold), and a metallic ink on the card backs (871c). They are linen-finished, so they handle like casino cards. Lastly, they have gold gilt edges like a Bible. These Christian playing cards stand toe-to-toe with some of the most premium cards on the market today. It was a long, fun, humbling journey to create these cards, and it is great to see them finally come to fruition. We’re a small team of just two people with a lot of feedback from family, friends, and coworkers. If you’ve made it this far, thank you for reading! We hope you enjoy these cards as much as we have. Image list- Ace- The Trinity King- Seraphim Queen- Cherubim Jack- Wheels/Ophanim Card Back- The Lion, Lamb, and New Eden Tuck Box- The Lion, Lamb, Holy Spirit, God’s Throne (4 Cherubim, 4 Wheels, 24 Seraphim), the cross, and more God bless!

Same day or next business day lead times.

Returns are welcome for unopened decks of cards. The buyer is responsible for return shipment. In the rare event that there is a manufacturing defect, we will either issue a refund or replacement.

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